A Look at Celestial Bodies
The solar system is home to many different celestial bodies. The word “celestial” means “of or related to heaven or the sky”. The solar system consists of the Sun and all of its planets, as well as smaller bodies such as asteroids and comets. Each celestial body in the solar system has its own unique properties, for example, some are made of gas, while others have a solid surface. These articles take a look at the some of the different types of celestial objects in the solar system.What is the Purpose of the Moon?
The moon is Earth’s natural satellite. It orbits our planet and provides illumination at night, hence the word “lunacy” for insane behavior that happens mostly at night. It also affects the tides of the ocean, which are caused by the…
742Everything You Need to Know About the Seven Sisters Star
The Seven Sisters star is one of the most famous asterisms in the northern hemisphere. Also known as The Pleiades, this group of stars is located in the constellation of Taurus. It’s believed that many cultures around the world have been…
806Interesting Facts About the Sun
The Sun is the closest star to Earth, and the light it gives off is so bright that we can see it during the day. It’s difficult to grasp just how big or small the Sun is, after all, most of us will never be able to see it in its entire…
889The Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac
The zodiac is a band of 12 visible star clusters in the sky that are roughly aligned with the ecliptic or apparent path of the Sun. These 12 constellations are each associated with a different month and have been used for millennia to track…
Types of Selfie Sticks for Mobile Phones
Taking selfies has become one of the most popular trends in recent years. Whether you’re at a party, a concert, or just hanging out with friends, there’s no doubt that you’ve seen someone taking…

AI and Social Media: Automating and Analyzing Your Social Presence
In this fast-paced digital world, social media has become a crucial aspect of any business or brand's marketing strategy. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), businesses are now able to…

The Internet and its Evolutionary Story
The advent of the World Wide Web has changed the way we live our lives. From staying connected with friends and family to researching and purchasing goods, our lives are becoming more digital by the…

Automobiles – The Future of Electric Cars
The world has run out of oil and gas. Or rather, we’ve run out of accessible oil and gas. Even with all of the new extraction methods available, it’s nearly impossible to find enough oil…

Machines that can go to Outer Space
Perhaps no other industry in the world is as fascinated by space as the engineering world. People are fascinated by the vastness of space and the challenges that space poses for human existence. While…

Car Phones were the First Mobile Phones
Before the days of smartphones, there was the car phone. While it was a vastly different breed of a mobile phone than what we have today, it's important to recognize the car phone as the predecessor…

The Historic Story of the Automobile
The automobile is one of the most influential inventions in the history of mankind. Many individuals have contributed to the invention of the automobile, but one man stands above all the others for…

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 Android
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 Android is the latest innovation in smartphone technology. It's a foldable device that combines the convenience of a traditional smartphone with the power of a tablet.…

Internet Vulnerabilities and Security Solutions
With all the talk about cyberattacks and data breaches, you might think that the Internet is an unsafe place. But, as it turns out, the Internet is actually a very safe place. Well, unless you have an…

Snake was the First Mobile Phone App
In the late 1990s, Nokia revolutionized the world of mobile phones and technology with the introduction of Snake, the first phone application ever released. This classic game was a huge success and…