Blog postAn Insight into Photons?
An Insight into Photons?
Photons are the elementary particles of light. They are a type of particle called a quantum, which is the smallest identifiable unit of matter. Photons have no mass, but they do have energy and momentum. They are unique from other subatomic…
663Blog postElectrons are Sub Atomic Particles
Electrons are Sub Atomic Particles
Electrons are subatomic particles with a negative charge. They are found in atoms, which means electrons can’t exist on their own. Instead, they must pair up as a double-negative particle to be stable and not react with other atoms. An…
799Blog postNobel Prize Winners for Atomic Physics
Nobel Prize Winners for Atomic Physics
The Nobel Prize is the most well-known award given to individuals for their outstanding work. There are several different fields that have the opportunity for a Nobel Prize, such as chemistry, literature, peace, and physics. The field of atomic…
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