A Look at What is Immunology?
Immunology is the study of how our bodies respond to things that aren’t normally there. The immune system is the network of organs, cells, and processes that identify and fight against harmful microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and…
1329A Look at the Forest Ecosystem
In a forest ecosystem, there are many different types of organisms and interactions between them. There are so many different species of trees, animals, insects, and other organisms that it can be hard to understand what exactly makes up a…
830Carbon is a Building Block of Life
Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. Most of the carbon in Earth comes from the conversion of methane, a hydrocarbon gas produced by animals and decomposing organic matter, into carbon dioxide (CO2), which plants use as a…
707Hydrogen is a Life Building Block
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. It’s so common that you can find it everywhere from the sun to drinking water, and even in your own body. Humans use hydrogen daily as well, even though we don’t think about it. However,…
770Nitrogen is Essential to Life on Earth
Nitrogen is a critical element in life on Earth. It’s essential for plants and animals, and it’s even found in our DNA. Without nitrogen, there would be no plants or animals just dirt, rocks, and maybe some bacteria. Nitrogen is necessary…
816The Importance of the Element Oxygen
Oxygen is a gas that we usually take for granted, but it's a life-sustaining element that can be found almost everywhere on Earth. Without it, human beings and most other living organisms would not be able to survive for long. The human body…
686Water Sustains Life as we Know It
Water is Life. That’s the name of a group that works tirelessly to create awareness about water and its importance among communities across the world. The organization has chapters in many countries, including the United States, India,…
769A Brief Explanation of Atoms
An atom is the smallest possible unit of a chemical element. In other words, an atom is the smallest part of a chemical element that still has all the properties of that element. Each different chemical element is made up of atoms with a…
808Electrons are Sub Atomic Particles
Electrons are subatomic particles with a negative charge. They are found in atoms, which means electrons can’t exist on their own. Instead, they must pair up as a double-negative particle to be stable and not react with other atoms. An…
818Neutrons are Sub Atomic Particles
Neutrons are produced when an atomic nucleus of an element such as uranium splits. When atomic nuclei split, they produce new particles called “residual nucleons.” These residual nucleons are also known as “fission products” because they…
765An Introduction to Basic Biomechanics
Biomechanics is the study of the forces that act on the human body, and how those forces affect movement and performance. It’s also the study of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues that make up the human body.…
1212What is the Study of Neuroscience?
Neuroscience is a fascinating field of study that looks at how the human brain processes information and solves problems. It digs deep into how the brain processes language, how memory works, and even how thoughts are produced in the first…