A Brief Explanation of Atoms
An atom is the smallest possible unit of a chemical element. In other words, an atom is the smallest part of a chemical element that still has all the properties of that element. Each different chemical element is made up of atoms with a…
786An Insight into Photons?
Photons are the elementary particles of light. They are a type of particle called a quantum, which is the smallest identifiable unit of matter. Photons have no mass, but they do have energy and momentum. They are unique from other subatomic…
663Neutrons are Sub Atomic Particles
Neutrons are produced when an atomic nucleus of an element such as uranium splits. When atomic nuclei split, they produce new particles called “residual nucleons.” These residual nucleons are also known as “fission products” because they…
747Protons are Subatomic Build Blocks
Protons are positively charged particles that reside in the nucleus of every atom. Protons have a positive electric charge and a mass about 2000 times greater than an electron. Their positive charge means that protons are also referred to as…